Summer 2024 付款的最后期限 is 2024年5月7日
学期/夏季提前注册(包括五月开始的课程) 2024年5月7日
在夏季学期提前注册付款截止日期之后,必须付款 在课程注册时确保课程注册状态,无论如何 课程的开始日期. An outstanding balance on a student account will 结果注册和成绩单持有的帐户,和注册状态 也可以改变.
2024年夏季注册本票分期付款计划将在网上提供 4月16日至6月7日. After May 7, the plan must be initiated at the 注册时间.
Spring 2024 付款的最后期限 was 2023年12月6日
如果您对春季2024付款有疑问,请联系学生金融服务 972-548-6616选项4或 studentfinancials@tampahairtransplants.net
冬季/春季提前注册(包括12月开始的课程) 2023年12月6日
在春季学期提前注册付款截止日期之后,必须付款 在课程注册时确保课程注册状态,无论如何 课程的开始日期. An outstanding balance on a student account will 结果注册和成绩单持有的帐户,和注册状态 也可以改变.
2024年春季注册本票分期付款计划将在网上提供 11月7日至1月31日. After December 6, the plan must be initiated at the 注册时间. After plan initiation, the next payment of 25 percent of all tuition and fees is due February 8, and the final 25 percent payment is due March 7. With any new course addition, 50 percent payment is due at that time.
2024年秋季 付款的最后期限 is July 24, 2024
Fall Early Registration 付款的最后期限: July 24, 2024
在秋季学期提前注册付款截止日期之后,必须付款 在课程注册时确保课程注册状态,无论如何 课程的开始日期. An outstanding balance on a student account will 结果注册和成绩单持有的帐户,和注册状态 也可以改变.
Continuing Education (CE) courses require payment at the 注册时间. CE 学生使用经济援助奖,第三方雇主资助,和/或德克萨斯州立大学 或科林董事会批准的课程豁免需要联系招生办 注册的时间,以确保资金在注册当天申请.
付款期限到了,但是 . . .
- 在每节课开始前注册并确定你的时间表是有益的 信用期限. Any courses dropped on or after the first day of the 信用期限, even 如果是在新注册当天,学杂费全额退还 将遵循德州高等教育委员会确定的百分比比率(低于100%) Education Coordinating Board refund schedule and approved tuition rates. 有新课程吗? registration will be charged at the full tuition and fee rate.
- 对于CE课程,课程必须在第一个课程开始时间之前放弃 scheduled class session to receive full cancellation of course charges.
- All payment deadlines must be met to ensure course enrollment.
I don’t get paid until Friday, may I have an extension?
付款期限不延长. You are encouraged to budget your tuition and 较早付款期的费用. In addition, Collin offers courses with various 开始日期. Once you have funds available, search for courses which have not yet started, and then register and pay on the date of registration. 注册的学生 在提前注册期间,信用条款也可以在整个期间进行部分付款 the Early Registration period as their budgets allow. 然而, 整个 帐户余额必须在公布的提前注册付款截止日期之前支付 举办课程注册.
I missed payment deadline, does that mean I can’t take courses this term?
信用条款公布的付款截止日期是任何金额的到期日 due from Early Registration course enrollment. 普通报名开始两天 在付款截止日期之后,一直持续到主要学期的前一天 开始. You may continue to register for courses in the primary part of term or courses 提供在快速会议与开始日期晚于日历年,但付款 是在注册当天交吗.
逾期注册的学分从学期开始的第一天开始 and continues for the first three class days. 在学期的第一周,a late fee is assessed in addition to the tuition and fees for course enrollment. 付款 of the 整个 amount is due the day of enrollment.
I am receiving Financial Aid, do I need to pay?
如果你的经济援助奖励在你的账户上注明,并且奖励是当前的 学期-学分或CE,注明的经济援助奖将保留您的课程注册. However, if the financial aid award is for a future term, then you should pay the 当期应付的款额. 有关详细的经济援助信息,请 点击这里. 我们总是建议你与你的财务援助顾问核实所有必要的信息 收到您的奖励的步骤已经完成,并且您保持准确 本学期的课程安排.
I am receiving a scholarship, do I need to pay?
火博体育官网必须在收到奖学金时按规定付款 奖学金的最后期限是支付你的课程和任何未被涵盖的余额 scholarship also needs to be paid in full. 如果你还有奖学金的话 from an earlier scholarship award in a prior term, verify with Student Financials that those scholarship funds will be applied to the current term charges.
If a third party organization is paying for my courses, do I need to pay?
对于第三方付款,当前的第三方注册费用协议 必须在供应商和学院之间生效,学生必须出席 a voucher for payment for the current term. 学生使用他们预付的资金 德克萨斯保证学费计划,德克萨斯明天或德克萨斯承诺,必须提供他们的 authorization card at a Student Financials location each term, or they may E-mail their authorization to use their Texas prepaid tuition plans to sponsors@tampahairtransplants.net. E-mail authorizations should include the CWID and name of the student, the term for which funding is authorized, and the Texas Guaranteed Plan account number. 学生 使用德州承诺基金资助的应在每个学期通知计划管理人 the funding will be used at 科林大学. 对于任何第三方付款,都是必需的 paperwork must be completed and submitted by the applicable payment deadline. 应该 第三方供应商未支付发票的全部金额,由学生负责 对于任何应付金额的帐户.
有第三方资助购买书店的学生应与书店联系 在他们选择的科林校园的位置,了解如何使用他们的 third party funding to charge bookstore purchases. 第二份第三方协议 between the third party vendor and Barnes and Noble may be required. 问题可能 请致电972-881-6680.
I don’t have enough money to pay my 整个 balance, are there any payment options?
There are two primary payment options for 信用期限s:
免费计划:在提前注册期间,学生可以支付部分费用 根据他们的账户余额. Make payments in amounts that fit your budget. 没有合同, no fees and no minimum payment are required, but the 整个 余额必须在付款截止日期或之前全额支付,以确保课程注册 状态.
分期付款计划:学院提供正式的分期付款计划,允许学生 分期付款分三期付款(25美元.00 fee required to initiate), with the first payment required in compliance with payment 最后期限的要求. 欲知更多详情,请参阅 请分期付款 点击这里.
夏季额外的免费选择:在夏季学期,科林提供付款 option designed to assist with the primary 10-week session. 如果提前付款计划 不符合你对夏季晚些时候开始的课程的需求,那么学生们 may consider staggered registration based on the course start date. 注册一个 course and pay for it to hold a seat in that course; and then when your budget allows, 注册一个额外的课程与较晚的开始日期,并支付它的时间.
For CE terms, courses are offered throughout the year. 我们鼓励学生 select and register for courses as their budget allows. 付款(或第三方证明) party funding) is due at the 注册时间.
Beginning 2024年秋季, payment plans are available with a minimum balance of $400.
American Express is not accepted at 科林大学. 请 点击这里 for detailed information on payment options and requirements.
I'm a veteran with Post 9/11 Education Benefits, do I need to pay?
如果你正在学习学位计划认证的课程,你可以出示你的退伍军人证书 学生的资格证书(COE)或VA的电子福利声明 财务办公室的地址,你的福利将在你的账户上记录 个人缴费. The COE/eBenefit Statement must be submitted by the applicable 付款截止日期,以及一份授权表格表明退伍军人打算使用 Post 9/11 funding must be presented for each term. 一旦科林把你的COE记录在案, you may email your per term authorization to studentfinancials@tampahairtransplants.net. 包括你的名字,你的CWID,你授权使用退伍军人福利的期限, 以及当前的电话号码.
I’m a dual credit high school student, when do I need to pay?
与科林合作的地区高中通常会制定付款期限要求 that are earlier than Collin’s required payment date. 双学分高中学生 should contact their high school for payment deadline dates. 如果是高中的最后期限 differs from Collin's payment deadline, then the earliest deadline should be met, whether it is the high school's or Collin's deadline.
学生有责任保持时间表的准确性并按时付款 最后期限的要求. Any balance on a student account not paid in compliance with 付款截止日期将导致成绩单、注册和毕业延期 the account until the unpaid balance is resolved. 还可能导致未付余额 在更改课程注册状态以及收集动作和相关 按百分比收费. If you have additional questions, please E-mail them to studentfinancials@tampahairtransplants.net. 请 include your CWID to facilitate responses to questions and/or concerns.
These dates are provided for information purposes only. 科林保留权利 to make changes or deletions at any time without notice. 如有不符之处 between the dates on this page and the dates on Collin's Master Calendar, contact studentfinancials@tampahairtransplants.net.Edu以确认日期.